Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Spending, Carlos' sermon, and a little Ramble

I have to tell you all something. I like spending money.... When I have it! And sometimes I get myself in a little trouble. I'm not in trouble! But I have been making good money and have gone shopping way to much! I bought three new pairs of shoes, a pair of jeans, a couple shirts, some khakis, a dress shirt, and a couple pair of shorts. I need to stop! and I am because I have to pay my 1st months rent and deposit in august. AND I need to buy a couch and a TV stand. Thank God I still have two or three paychecks are coming!

Tonight I listened to Carlos' (www.ragamuffinsoul.com) sermon last Sunday. One of the questions he asked the congregation was, what do you find most important in your life? I think it is a hard question to answer. For me, that is like asking who is your best friend? or If you could eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be? Those are freaken hard questions for me! I mean I could do the 'oh so good christian' thing and say God, but to answer it honestly, right now, would God be the most important think in my life? I don't know. I don't like being the good christian, I want to be a little More edgy then good! haha... To answer the question with no thought I would have probably blurted out community... Just because it has been something I have been reflecting on lately. Why would I answer community? Because I think it is something that all of us need in order to live, connect, and grow. I miss my community! I miss my small group! I miss CBU!

I think God has really been affirming my crrier choice lately. I don't think I have ever REALLY not liked my job, except for now. It's not that I don't like working for my Dad, I think it is because I have this mentality that 'I am better then (fill in the job at the time)'... Is it OK to feel that way? I don't necessarily feel that I am better then people at my dads work... That's a lie... Sometimes I do... I think I am just ready to move on! And I partly think that God is teaching my that I am not bigger, better, or more educated then His plan, His time of learning, or His Healing... Reality Check!

Please pray for Lindsay Lohan, she needs Broken-in!!! Peace!


Anonymous said...

What small group should be put Lohan in? Kayde's? Ione's? Hmmm...maybe she just needs Sheila.

Anonymous said...

Carlos' sermon was definitely a good one. As I was roaming around Riverside trying to get people to answer that question on camera I heard such a variety of answers. But when I was challenged to answer it myself it was hard. Who knows what the most important thing is? I think for me it changes from day to day - but as long as were focused on God's will the most important thing will inevitably be him. Its late and I'm rambling - I hope I made sense :/