Tuesday, May 29, 2007

This weekend

This weekend was pretty darn busy and it's my last full weekend until I leave for southeast asia. Saturday I had the opportunity to celebrate a birthday with firends. It was Roxi's birthday and it was so much fun. Here is a picture of Roxi and I.

I then spent the rest of my weekend at home. I saw pirates 3... I thought it was good... Long.. but good! I got to spend time with my bro and the rest of the family. On Monday we had a family BBQ and it was good. It was a very peacful and restful time at home. Here is a couple of pics of my favorite (and only) niece..

Isn't she cute? She does her own posses!


nikki })i({ said...

Hey Kyle! Come see us as soon as you get back! We'll be praying for ya!

Anonymous said...

you really are the best and she really is the cutest:) can't wait to see you!