Thursday, May 24, 2007

I'm Lost, Your Lost, We're all LOST!

So Lost... Was AMAZING last night! I don't know what to do with myself... What will I do with my Wednesday nights now? Well I only have one more Wednesday night till I head to Southeast Asia, but still.... The season is over!

So besides Lost another thing happened last night... We had two earthquakes! I actually like earthquakes... The shaking and how you can hear the quake coming... It's great!

I'm looking for a place to live (Preferably in Riverside)... Anyone got any ideas? I need a place to crash late July/Beginning of August... Anybody know of anyone that has a room/guest house/ travel trailer (I've done it before...) to rent that is relatively cheap? Considering I get paid almost nothing...

1 comment:

Becks said...

This is great... you blog about Lost and I blog about Alias. J.J. Abrams should feel VERY special!